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New Office Chairs & Finds

As you all know, I am a SUPER believer of gratitude and the power of working it in your life and using it like a secret portion that turns your attitude around. If there was an info commercial for gratitude and selling it on all the benefits, I would be a proud testimonial person. In fact, I did a podcast episode on this very topic a month ago and still retelling some of those stories bring me the greatest joy. Go take a listen now (if you have not already). We are now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Beaker, PocketCasts, RadioPublic, Anchor, and of course, you can click right on the tab in this website to listen. :-)

Since we have been in the pandemic, I know I have been allowed to work from home to continue my "essential" work. I have been sitting on a 1970s wooden mid-century chair from my parents' original dining room set when they got married. Let's just say, it could be more comfortable and having such a sturdy chair really builds character or makes me to decide to do a lot more stretching and back exercises. When I purchased my home over a year and half ago, I had painted almost all of the rooms but there were still some things that needed to be filled and made fresh anew. This included my office which was a space that I had a vision for because I painted the walls teal but never fully utilized because I did not really need to.

Fast forward to the past several months, the time that I have spent in my office has been many. The hours and productivity have increased. I slowly started bringing my stuff from the office at the workplace to my home and putting in my home office. Little by little, the office has been transformed. It now has a dog bed and usually my beauty, Gaby, is laying in here while I work. She sometimes misses the dog bed though.

My other dog, Judd, cannot be bothered and still prefers his own space and thinks that I am too loud. I made a new vision board with more focused intention and hung more photos on the wall.

I had the dream to get these wing-back chairs from IKEA to have in my office. I wanted the pop of yellow against my teal walls coupled with the other being in red. These chairs have been on my radar since they came out years ago. Each time I wanted to buy one, something unexpected came forth and those pressing matters took the budget for the chair(s) to pay for the expenses of dog care and/or home care. They were not meant for my space or for me. This past Saturday, I was talking to one of my best friends on the phone and I told her I'm READY! I'm READY to buy one chair. BUT...I still had this nagging feeling and the budget shopper in me was not feeling the price of JUST ONE chair. So, I did what any resourceful person would do and went to the streets aka Craiglist!

It was in one quick search that I found not one, but TWO armchairs for a lower price than the original yellow chair that I wanted from IKEA. I mean, life was truly working in my favor. I bartered with the seller and we dropped the price even more. The only problem? I do not own a truck. I started scourging through my contacts. Asking them all for the precious vehicle needed. I was able to secure the truck but it would have to be later in the day. I responded to the seller that evening and told them when I could come buy. In my head, I was secretly putting out the magnificent outcome seen in The Magic book that maybe they had a truck and could deliver to me.

Next morning, I wake up. Check my messages. And, SCORE! They had a truck and could deliver to me. My heart broke up with gratitude, thankfulness, and sheer excitement at the kindness of others. I ended up having such a wonderful conversation with the daughter and her father. Plus, the retro kiwi green chairs look AMAZING in my office and I'm in LOVE with them.

Even in the times of pandemic and social distancing, connection and gratitude remain a cornerstone practice in my life. A pandemic will not break the desire for connection nor will it stop a heart from being grateful. My office is now almost complete and I cherish my time even more in it. Every time I sit or look at the chairs, I am reminded of the kindness of strangers, the stories of their parents/grandparents, and the immense amount of gratitude that I have for the simple pleasures in life. Hope you find some little things that bring joy to your life and appreciate them when you do!


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