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Investing in the Self

I read this blog post the other day about investing in yourself and making time to invest in yourself. It indicated that rarely do we schedule time to actually continue learning, reflecting, and being present in o

ur oneness. It should be something that we do daily. We need to put "me" time on our calenders.

In light of that post, I have just completed a 21-Day Class through Louise Hay ( The class was Loving Yourself: Online Video Course. Louise focuses on doing mirror work and stating affirmations. It was great class. The skills and techniques that I will use with my clients and with myself. The pictures here are ones of her daily affirmations that she employs each day.

Prior to taking this course, I always have looked in the mirror and said, "I love you!" "I am a Phenomenal Woman!" (Shoutout to my girl, Maya.) This class reminded me that this self-love is exactly what helps keep me on the right track and reaffirmed that I am perfectly imperfect. It is all about embracing the self. It also tackled heavier issues with anger, guilt, and forgiveness. I was surprised that I had anger stored up because I am generally an upbeat person. I cried in the mirror when confronting people whom had hurt me or angered me. I would suggest doing this course. Or, now, grabbing a mirror

and looking directly in your eyes and say, "I love you. I really, really love you." Powerful, huh? That is only the beginning. Invest. This class also highlights using affirmations to change your thoughts. All of our thoughts are not bad or good. They just are. In the class, it teaches you how to reframe the thoughts in different lights and put a positive spin on attracting what you want.

Lastly, I have just started the Oprah & Deepak Chopra Meditation Challenge. This is my 4th one with this duo. I have always wanted to know how to meditate. Through these challenges and guided meditations, I can actually meditate on a daily basis and have learned to let my thoughts flow. Meditation has tons of health benefits plus it gives a sense of peace and calm. It's not to late to do it and invest in yourself for 10 minutes a day. Join me!!!

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