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I Get Knocked Down....But I Turn The Beat Around

This week has been a really trying week, emotionally and mentally, for me. You would not necessarily guess that from the photo posted here. I expose this because we all have weeks like this when everything and anything piles on top of us and we feel our world caving in: tears are shed, feelings exposed, and hurt rises up. It is the moments that we should not shine away from embracing the feelings but rather truly feeling them all. It is also knowing that it is a part of our growth and to lean on people and ask for their support. I would not be as able to turn it around without the help of my support system. For example, before this photo was taken and the event happened, I showed up in slippers and fat pants to wallow in my terrible week but life had other plans. A last minute opportunity and decision presented by friends turned this girl from busted to fabulous in 5 minutes. Literally. I turned it around for the night because it distracted me from my wallowing and it lifted my spirits even if it was for a couple of hours. That's why a support system is important to remind you that you still got it. That's also what a life coach and change agent can do for you too. Be part of your support system and help you turn the beat around! Join me. Xo


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