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Why, Hello World....Thanks for stoppin' by!

Well, Hello and Welcome....

I am Toni. If you landed here, then I am sure you either heard from a friend of a friend or the internet search engine genies pointed you here and for that I am grateful. Thank you!

A litte more about me....I am avid reader of all things Huffington Post, a writer for LC Magazine (, a dreamer, a flower wearing mover and shaker, a lover of my pack, a lyric/dancing queen, a change agent, and a believer in one's ability to grow from their life experiences. My journey, like all wonderful, still evolving journeys, is a crazy, crooked zig zagged path that loops and dips. It is beautiful and uniquely mine.

For the past few years, I have started my new year off by creating a vision board. If you do not know what a vision board is, here is the short version. This is based off of “The Secret” or “The Law of Attraction.” It is creating a board that holds your dreams, wishes, desires, etc through words, pictures, or however you envision what you want to happen in your life. It could be something basic like symbol of university which means that you want to get your masters’. Or, it could be something more superficial like getting a new car. You create it with whatever likeness that will help you put your visions in motions. Then, you put it in a place and look at each day and you image all of those things coming into your life. That is the basics of the vision board. In short, it is just your goals listed but in visual form. Below is a picture of my vision board for 2014.

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Let's do a checklist. Drum roll, please....

  • New House....Check (1950s fabulousness purchased in June 2014)

  • South America....Check (pic on my About Me page is taken in November 2014 while at Machu Picchu)

  • Writing....Check (wrote articles at LC Magazine started in October 2014)

  • Own Business.....Check (hello! you are here at my website for my business :-))

  • Love....Check-ish (Work in progress)

  • Debt Free.....Check-ish (working on paying that credit card debt)

I do not tell you this to brag or to think that this was achieved just by looking at this vision each day because it wasn't. It takes active participation, action, and a few stumbles along the way. But, I do tell you this because it is one of the tools that I use when we together as life coach and client. I am ready to create my 2015 vision board! Why don't you join me? You never know what is coming to greet you today or in the future.

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